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In our worship sets, we seek to lead people according to the biblical pattern: entering His courts with praise and thanksgiving, declaring the truth about who God is, celebrating our salvation and expecting an encounter with His holy Presence. We sing songs across many styles, genres and vintages so as to connect with the different denominations represented in the room. We also gather in small groups to pray for the Church of Adelaide and, beyond that, for our city. We intercede through prayer and song to finish the night and send people out with a hopeful and prophetic declaration. Our hope is that people would leave our events having a fresh touch from God and a fresh fire for Jesus burning in their hearts that would spread like wildfire through the church of Adelaide.
We provide space for God to encounter His people through worship and prayer. We provide space for relationships to be built between believers from different church communities with a heart to see us encouraging one another and sharing resources. We provide space for believers to be edified with solid, biblical teaching. It is our hope that all who come might go back to their local church inspired and equipped to serve and invest in kingdom work wherever they have been called.